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2021 Short english information bulletin March 17

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Send me an E-mail, you will get your own answer

I get often E-mails from people who wants to learn to ride a motorcycle. As long as I don't know what is YOUR start, I can't give you the correct answer!
In Switzerland the law gives just a small part what is mandatory, on a very poor level. But at the test, the examiner is sitting on your backseat as pillion-rider and he feels just everything! It is impossible to pass a test with only the mandatory part - I am specialised in motorcycles, since 1982 I am giving lessons in motorcycles: SINCE 1987 I DO NOTHING ELSE THAN THAT! «Töff, Töff - nüt als Töff!»
So when you really want to learn properly how to ride a motorcycle, you are with me IN GOOD HANDS! There is nobody in the world who spent so many hours as a pillion-rider on the back of his student-riders, you can believe: About a third of the people learning with me are speaking English, people from all over the world!
So, you have the choice, if you want to start from the bottom up in safety and with the motorcycle which correspond to your level of riding skills, then contact me and you will get the details for your case.
How much that costs? If you call a dentist (my brother is one of them) how much will be the repair of your teeth, he will not be able to say any price unless he could have a look in your mouth ... Before you start buying anything, you can do a test-ride: You don't need anything, no learners permit, no helmet, no jacket to make a test-ride with me on a small (or bigger when your are experienced) motorcycle, what we call «Schnupperstunde». It is a double-lesson on a parking lot, after that ride a can tell you more.

What are you looking for?

Start with NOTHING (any category)

I have motorcycle experience cat. A1, what does it need for cat. A?

Like to drive 125cc scooters (category A1)

I have driven mc for years (category A)

Getting a motorcycle license (cat. A non restricted)

This is the machine everybody is doing «his first steps»: It is light (145 kgs), not powerfull (13 PS) and easy to drive - you have not to be afraid about anything.  For tall people I have another 125 cubic-machine, the 125-Varadero from Honda. It is like a big(ger) bike, but the engine has only 15 PS (cat. A1) The next bike then is the Honda Transalp, with 52 PS and 200 kgs (cat. A open)  Often the small cruisers (600 to 750 cubic) have not the power of 35 kW for the test: For that I have my Yamaha XVS1100 DragStar. 

Link: Pricelist of lesson, course and motorcycles

Here you find the details to download as a PDF [235 KB] -document

Infoletter: NEWS from Tramstr.100

This letter from March 25th 2014 as PDF [927 KB] -Download

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I want to try, in the future, to give some advices in English language

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