
Über Pfeil oben rechts «Weiter» zu «I am interested for extending my drivers licence»

E. wrote: Hello, I am sorry to write in English but my German isn't good enough. I would like to get my motorcycle driving licence here in Zürich and was told that you can provide lessons in English too. I have been riding a 125cc (with my car driving licence and am familiar with motorcycles). I have no idea how it works in Switzerland.
How many lessons do I need?
Do I also need a theory test?
How much would that cost in total?

Thank you very much in advance for your reply and answers.

Best regards, E.

My answer to E.'s question

Dear E.

I was in holidays and so I want to give you some more information. Do you have a Swiss driver licence? What is written under catogary A or A1, it depends when you past your car test.

In Switzerland, if you have alreadey a car driver licence, you have to pass a certain programm of driving instruction in a motorcycle school and then you get a permission without driving test. Everything else, above 125 cc you have to do a certain number of lessons and then you have the test with the examiner in the back on your motorcycle. So the mandatory education is very little, but the test is on a very high level, probably the highest in the world!

If you need more information call me or show up at Tramstrasse 100 after a phone call.
Kind regards

Urs Tobler

Motorcycle lessons


That sounds good. When can we start? :-)


My second answer

Hi R.

You find my agenda on my homepage: Link to my agenda I try to be current and renew my dates every evening.

Kind regards

Urs Tobler

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