

Good Day,

My name is J. S. and i would like to ask you something.

I have a driver licence from my country but i know that i have to change it for the Swiss one between one year since my arrival. I applied for the Change and the Strassenverkehrsamt sent me an invitation for a driving test, in order to increase my chances of approving it i would like to take some lessons with you in order to prepare the exam, i suppose you have experience in this field. Is this possible?

Addtionally the invitiation mentions that i should bring my own vehicle, which i don't have, in that case what do you recommend me?

I'm appliying for both car and motorcycle categories, B and A.

Thanks for your attention,

Looking forward to hear from you,

J.M. S.

PS. As you probably have noticed i don't speak German. I speak either English or Spanish.

My answer to J.M.'s question

Hi J.M.

I can help you, but only in English! But English is no problem for me. The best would be, you come by in my shop, but you must arrange a date where I can explain what that means. If you have not your own motorcycle and you have to go to the test, you must be an experienced rider. The examiner sits on the back-seat of the machine and feels everything. I don't know what you have ridden before, but the machine must have at least 35 kW. I have machines in my school, from 50 up to 1100 ccm. Please send me an E-Mail when it would be possible for you to come to Tramstrasse 100 and then we can discuss, what it would be for preparation. Here you need to be a fully dressed rider and do first a test in manoeuvres and the in the traffic, riding in curvy roads. It is not a beginner test, it is a rider test for good motorcycle riders. That makes a big difference in preparation.

If you want to call me, you get me directly at the phone on number 044 311 70 92: When I am in the shop I can take it, when I am not there, it will be just ringing and ringing...

Have a nice evening, kind regards

Urs Tobler

Since 1987 «Töff, Töff - nüt als Töff!»

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