
Guten Morgen Herr Tobler

Es tut mir leid mein Deutsch ist nicht sehr gut. Ich muss in Englisch sprechen

I understand from the "English forum" website that you give Motorcycle lessons in English. I wish to take lessons and I was wondering what the cost would be.

Look forward to hearing from you.



My answer

Hi David

No problem for me, nearly half of the student drivers are speaking English: From GB, USA, CA, E, IR, IS, SWE – from just all countries I have people learning with me…

To do the Grundschulung (mandatory part) you must already be able to ride the motorcycles. I should know, if you want to learn to drive a motorcycle (with gear-shifting) or just an automatic scooter. With me it is more than just the courses: I do more in skills, and I teach all student-drivers in the traffic individual. The Grundkurs part 1+2 covers only the first 4 mandatory lessons. The second 4 mandatory lessons are individual double lesson (at least 2 DL if it is a scooter) with training between. The goal of my school is, that everybody who has done that Grundschulung is a good and safe rider and learns with me to drive by two. Especially when you are not experienced it is very important to learn what is dangerous or not. A lot of people are coming to pass the test to be able to drive in holidays. But the traffic of other countries are much more dangerous on two wheels than with us. (bad surface, crazy drivers, animals and persons on the street)

The best would be that you come to me on an evening and we speak together. Then I can explain the difference from my program to the «normal» program you can get in other places.

Information on my homepage in English

Kind regards
Urs Tobler

Below: The reason I speak English not so bad is, I was in the year 1986 for 5 months and one week in the United States for travelling on my GoldWing. The trip was lasting over 44'000 kilometers, we covered 30 states!

For more information

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