«Brätle» im Sitzberg, Grillplatz Sädelegg |
Ich bin bereits drei Mal mit den «Sunset-Riders» donnerstags ausgefahren, nun habe ich ihnen für den 10.August ein Grillabend im Sitzberg vorgeschlagen: Für einmal bin ich der "Gango", der für die Vorbereitung und am Grillplatz fürs Feuer zuständig ist. Wir haben schon viele schöne Abende dort oben, in den Tösstaler Högern, erlebt und es wäre schade, bei diesen tollen Voraussetzungen darauf zu verzichten. Für mehr «klick»e aufs Bild!
Das sind vier der fünf Sunset-Riders bei meinem ersten Dabei-Sein vom 6.Juli 2023
Link zur AKTUELLEN Situation |
Please contact my by SMS or mail |
SMS to 079 333 23 77 or mail to urs.tobler (at)
Der «Anfang» vom ENDE der «Tramstrasse 100» |
WELCOME to the very last «Tramstrasse 100-Event» |
As PDF [813 KB]
As PDF [995 KB]
Last Info-letter & Christmas invitation! |
As PDF [2'100 KB]
-Download including English version
No category A/A1 exams from Nov. till April 2023 |
The winter break of the Strassenverkehrsamt Zürich is lasting till April 3rd. I also work in winter, if the temperatures (above 4 degrees, no risk of ice) and good weather conditions. Normally it is very cold in the morning, that's why I make lessons in the afternoon hours. NO MORE NEW CUSTOMERS IN 2023! I am only available for the customers of the past years: 079 333 23 77.
GOOD NEWS: Back from «Corona»-time out |
Today, Wednesday 19 Oct, my rapid test was negative for the first time! Since I came back from Cologne* and I took a quick test because of a funeral in the family because of the severe irritating cough, I stayed mainly at home and had to cancel all my appointments. Sorry, considering the late autumn and the exceptionally good weather, a sad affair. But due to the course of the disease, completely without any further symptoms, I must not complain: I now hope, after double vaccination and boosters, to be even more resistant to future infections! Translated with (free version) |
Unser letztes Kunden- & Schüler-Event steht bevor |
Link zur offiziellen Ausschreibung 2022 als PDF [3'200 KB]
SPEZIAL-DO-Ausfahrt vom 22. Sept. 2022 |
SPEZIAL-DO-Ausfahrt vom 11. Aug. 2022 |
Freie Termine in meiner Agenda an«klick»en! |
Noch freie Termine in der Woche 39
Link zur Agenda: Aufs Bild «klick»en! |
My availabilities you find here [46 KB]
(updated every day)
Freie Termine in meiner Agenda an«klick»en! |
Every Thursday evening (except on May 26th) we start our ride at 7 p.m. at Tramstrasse 109, in front of the office of home-service. Corona-distance rules are allowing maximum 5 persons in a group, that means one tour-guide and 4 participants. When the weather is very good, there are some more times and places to start! For more informations look here
Zum Jahresprogramm 2022: Aufs Bild «klick»en! |
Als PDF [85 KB]
zum «Downloaden»
Link zur aktuellen Lage - neuste Informationen |
ab hier: Informationen vom Vorjahr 2021
CANCELED: Weihnachtseinladung vom MI/DO, 8.+9.Dez. |
Für mehr Informationen «klick»e hier
Geplante Einladung wegen Pandemie ABGESAGT |
Alternative WEIHNACHTSEINLADUNG 2021 in der Zeit von Dienstag, 7.Dez. bis Freitag, 17.Dez. bin ich jeweils in der Zeit von 10-18 Uhr an der Apfelbaumstrasse 28 für Einzelbesuche zur Verfügung!
Für Zeiten ausserhalb dieser Präsenzzeit auf Voranmeldung möglich!
Link zum PDF [1'058 KB]
Info-Rundbrief an meine aktuellen Kund(inn)en |
Allg. Info-Rundbrief an meine Kunden vom 17.Nov. 2021 als PDF [4'697 KB]
Englische Version in Arbeit
27.Okt. 2021: Das Tripple ist perfekt! 920-921-922 |
Link zu den erfolgreichen Kandidat(inn)en 2021
Newest informations, link to the newest message |
Meine Homepage wird jeden Morgen neu veröffentlicht - da es kurzfristig immer wieder Änderungen gibt, werde ich laufend die neusten Informationen auf der nächsten Seite nachführen!
Das E-Mail vom 14.9.2021 zur aktuellen Situation |
Link [2'501 KB]
zum PDF-Download
Zu den Anhängen des E-Mails |
Übersicht Reservationen (wird täglich neu publiziert) als PDF-Download |
Link zur aktuellen Situation auf meiner Homepage |
Zusatzkurs KT1 vom SA, 25.Sept. mehr dazu hier |
Tipp: Regenkombi von Scott gegen die Kälte hier
Extra-Course «Kurventechnik 1» Saturday, Sept 25 |
There will be an EXTRA-course on Saturday, Sept 25th, theory on Friday, Sept 24 from 19.15.30 till 21.30 - look here
Link zum neusten FS-Info-Rundbrief vom 26.August |
Link [765 KB]
zum PDF-Download «Info-Rundbrief zum Ferienende Sommer 2021»
E-Mail from July 21 in English |
E-Mail as PDF [1'481 KB]
Letzte Änderung am Montag, 3. März 2025 um 22:47:30 Uhr. |
Link zu den neusten Informationen! |
I am back from MOST/CZ, it was «Lots of fun!», more you find here
Herzliche Gratulation zur Prüfung: Andrea Hügli |
Allgemeiner Info-Rundbrief vom 22. Mai 2021 |
Every Thursday evening (except on May 13th) we start our ride at 7 p.m. at Tramstrasse 109, in front of the office of home-service. Corona-distance rules are allowing maximum 5 persons in a group, that means one tour-guide and 4 participants. When the weather is very good, there are some more times and places to start! For more informations look here
Newest informations, link to the newest message |
NEW «Standard programs individual» overview |
As a PDF [807 KB]
Link to the English version as PDF-Download |
Link [807 KB]
to offer: Standard programs overview! |
If the weather conditions allows: I WORK!!! |
Short information bulletin in English March 17 |
2021-03-17 short information in English as PDF [957 KB]
-Download |
This ducument [3'111 KB]
shows how I am working: «Get the best value to be a good rider!» |
here [6'850 KB]
you find the brochure in English from my school: 1987-2017 30 years «motorcycle-school, only motorcycles!» |
Link [235 KB]
to the price-list: I have school-motorcycles from 50 to 1100 cc |
NEWSLETTER FS-Info-Brief an meine Kunden |
This is a translation of the main points which are valid for learner rider about L-permit in the corona virus crisis
For more information «clic» on the picture |
Link on «my agenda» |
From here informations from 2020 and earlier!
Thanks, we can start now on Monday, May 11th :-) |
Link [58 KB]
to the full text
This ducument [3'111 KB]
shows how I am working: «Get the best value to be a good rider!» |
temporary rules [45 KB]
about learner permit considering duration etc. (important rules to know) |
2020 last chance to get directly on BIG motorbikes |
What are the changes to start riding motorcycles in 2021 ? Read my text
from the editorial of my «Schülerzeitung 2020» on page 2 |
Read more about the new rules
for a new learner permit after 1.1.2021 |
Send me an E-mail, you will get your own answer |
I often get E-mails from people who wants to learn to ride a motorcycle. As long as I don't know what is YOUR start, I can't give you the correct answer! In Switzerland the law gives just a small part what is mandatory, on a very poor level. But at the test, the examiner is sitting on your backseat as pillion-rider and he feels just everything! It is impossible to pass a test with only the mandatory part - I am specialised in motorcycles, since 1982 I am giving lessons in motorcycles: SINCE 1987 I DO NOTHING ELSE THAN THAT! «Töff, Töff - nüt als Töff!» So when you really want to learn properly how to ride a motorcycle, you are with me IN GOOD HANDS! There is nobody in the world who spent so many hours as a pillion-rider on the back of his student-riders, you can believe: About a third of the people learning with me are speaking English, people from all over the world! |
«Click» on the picture or here [3'111 KB]
to get the full texte!
Get the best value to be a good rider! |
So, you have the choice, if you want to start from the bottom up in safety and with the motorcycle which correspond to your level of riding skills, then contact me and you will get the details for your case. How much that costs? If you call a dentist (my brother is one of them) how much will be the repair of our teeth, he will not be able to say any price unless he could have a look in your mouth ... Before you start buying anything, you can do a test-ride: You don't need anything, no learners permit, no helmet, no jacket to make a test-ride with me on a small (or bigger when your are experienced) motorcycle, what we call «Schnupperstunde». It is a double-lesson in a parking lot, after that ride a can tell you more. |
You find me in Zurich-Oerlikon at Apfelbaumstr. 28 |
Since March 31, 2016 I am in a new place
- after 29 years being at «Tramstrasse 100», which gaves the popular name to my school. It is very close from the old place, just above the street at Apfelbaumstrasse 28!
If you like to schedule a dare, look in my agenda when I am still free. It is published every day new, but it can be, that it is not done till lunch-time!
Every Thursday we are starting at Tramstrasse 109 at 7 p.m. for a nice ride: We are riding in small groups to a place, further away when the days are longer and the return on the direct way is never more than 1 hour to Zurich. Learners from a certain level can join us, because it is fun for everybody - we are driving not too fast, keep the speed limits, but we are not doing beginners-speed of 60 kms/hour when it allowed to ride 80! Normally I take the L-riders in my group. If you are not sure, if you are ready for these rides, then ask me before ...
The THU-evening-rides will start on April 8th!
English brochure of the whole program |
Click on the picture below and receive all details how everything is working in my school, it is not just for beginners - everybody in any stage of driving can get benefits from it!
What are you looking for? |
Start with NOTHING (any category) |
I have motorcycle experience cat. A1, what does it need for cat. A? |
Like to drive 125cc scooters (category A1) |
I have driven mc for years (category A) |
I have 18 school-bikes from 50-1100 cubic |
This is the machine everybody is doing «his first steps»: It is light (145 kgs), not powerfull (13 PS) and easy to drive - you have not to be afraid about anything.
For tall people I have another 125 cubic-machine, the 125-Varadero from Honda. It is like a big(ger) bike, but the engine has only 15 PS (cat. A1) The next bike then is the Honda Transalp, with 52 PS and 200 kgs (cat. A open)
Link: Pricelist of lesson, course and motorcycles |
Here you find the details to download as a PDF [235 KB]
-document |
I want to try, in the future, to give some advices in English language |
For my English speaking customers |
«Click» on the picture and you'll be on the page |
Winter break from Dec 28 till Feb 28, 2014 |
to Invitation in English: Click on the picture |
Infoletter: NEWS from Tramstr.100 |
Letter from March 6, 2014 as PDF [408 KB]
-Download |
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Töff, Töff - nüt als Töff ! |
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